Grade: 5/5

Genre: Docu-movie 

Seasons: 4 Rounds

Ages: Family

Even though there have been thousands of documentaries and movies made about the Greatest, this one stands above them all. PBS and Ken Burns have done a service to the public by creating this masterpiece…four chapters chronicling Muhammad Ali’s life, each aptly labeled as a “Round”.

Not only does it show us Muhammad Ali’s triumphs, but also his pitfalls – in the ring and out. He was human like all of us and that’s what makes this documentary riveting. By the time I finished watching it, I stood in awe of this man. He stood up for principles when they were unpopular and was vilified for it. He was stripped of his boxing license during his prime but he didn’t waver in his stance and sacrificed it all for a cause he believed in. All done in peace. 

Do not skip this one. You can find it on PBS Online:



Ali Mahdi

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