Grade: 3/5

Genre: British Crime

Ages: 16+

True crime story, based on the novel by John Preston, about British MP Jeremy Thorpe (Hugh Grant), member of the Liberal party in the 60s and 70s, and his gay triste with stableman Norman Scott. The one year relationship soured and Norman vowed to “out” Thorpe unless some of his demands were met, including getting a new National ID Card which for some reason, he was obsessed with.  

This “outing” would have been extremely damaging to Thorpe’s political career as being a homosexual during that time was considered a no-no. In order to silence Norman, Thorpe hired some utterly bumbling hitmen who only managed to kill his poor Great Dane.

Eventually Thorpe stood trial in 1979 for attempted murder. Regardless of the outcome of the trial, sordid details of his affair with Norman Scott unveiled by Norman himself, coupled with the revelation that he tried to have Norman silenced, led to the end of Thorpe’s political ambitions.



Ali Mahdi

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